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Injured or Orphaned Raptor?

It is very common for people to find young raptors in the spring or summer that they mistakenly think are orphaned from their parents. In most cases the young raptor has merely unsuccessfully attempted to fly or fluttered down from its nest or perch. Almost always the parents are aware of its location and will continue to feed it until it is strong enough to fly, if it is left alone. So, in most cases it is not wise to try to move what appears to be an orphaned raptor. By watching the young raptor from a distance, the parents presence and interest can almost always be observed. Usually the only assistance it may need, if it is in danger on the ground from predators, is to be helped to a low branch or tree crotch. It is advisable to call a local county wildlife officer or raptor rehabilitator for assistance with this, as even young raptors can inflict serious wounds with their beaks and talons and sometimes territorial parents may attack.

If you find a raptor that appears to be injured or diseased please also call your local county wildlife officer or raptor rehabilitator for assistance. Drooping wings, inability to fly, disorientation, gaping mouths, and lacerated feet are just a few of the outward signs that a raptor is sick or injured.

Caring for injured birds requires a Special Purpose Permit issued by your State and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Captive Breeding and Release also requires a Special Permit, and selling Raptors to non-licensed individuals is illegal.

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